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DNA results to be tested against different missing girls claimed to be Madeleine McCann

Madeleine McCann
Source : Facebook

Julia Wendell, who claimed that she could be Madeleine McCann, is now finally having her DNA compared to children who disappeared on holiday in Portugal in 2007. In all this, Dr Fia Johansson, a private investigator, who helping Julia Wendell in this case.

Madeleine McCann

Source: Facebook

Now 21-year-old Julia is waiting for the genetic test results; she was waiting for three samples for a genetic test. Dr Fia tried to help the Polish woman figure out her true identity and informed the public of every step of this journey through her Instagram account.

She appeared in on live broadcast on Instagram; She will also want to know about the DNA test result, so she knows that she is the natural daughter of Gerry and Kate McCann.

She further added, ” Many of you ask why Kate and Gerry. There is no need – Madeleine McCann’s DNA is already there. They don’t need to get involved with the media press.

One Facebook user commented on the post-Julia Faustyna as

With so many people backing you, we’re all waiting to hear the results when they’re released. Your gut never lies. You are someone’s missing baby, and you will get the answers you seek. Chin up

Julia expressed her views about the DNA result “When the DNA test coming, which I am badly waiting for and checking every day the status of it, we will match with a DNA test of (Madeleine) McCann. Anyone else out there looking for their kid that may [be] missing at that time.”

Julia has shifted to the U.S. for a few weeks and is living with Dr Johansson. They both are eagerly waiting for the DNA test results. At the time of testing, doctors found her worrying as well. They found some signs that she could have Leukaemia.

Madeleine McCann


After taking permission from Julia, Dr Fia posted on Instagram; she said, “We are still waiting on the result of DNA testing that will show us exactly what Julia’s ethnic background is and what country she and her true family are from.”

She further added, “These kinds of tests are very accurate. Of course, depending on the result of that, we will continue our investigation to see if Julia could be Madeleine or another missing person; she has had a neglected childhood and suffered much abuse – her health is very poor, she has bad asthma, and she suffers lots of pain in her bones.”

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