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Delika White Lezama Details of being Abducted in fear

Delika White Lezama is a 13-year-old Caribbean girl who recently disappeared from Trinidad after visiting her grandmother on the 17th of December, 2022. She was last spotted on the back road near a shop on the 17th of December 2022, and after that, there has not been any particular sign of where she might be and in what condition she is. Recently her mother and her brother have been desperately searching for her in all manners, but there have not been any particular details about where she might be and in what condition. The police officers have looked forward to a very big search, but no details are available.

Delika White Lezama Abducted

Daily Mail

Delika White Lezama Abducted

Delika White Lezama has been lost since the 17th of December 2022 after she was last spotted in that corner shop near her grandmother’s house. Since that, there have not been any particular details available about her, and presently the police officers are expecting that she might be abducted or kidnapped by someone, and there are also very few chances of her survival. Presently there have not been any particular details available about her condition, and there are various things that the police officers are expecting related to the overall thing. Certain details still need to be discussed, and the investigation continues. The abduction details are still not confirmed, but the investigation is still on, and the officers expected it to be an abduction case.

Delika White Lezama Vanished

Daily Mail

Delika White Lezama Vanished

Delika White Lezama, with her mother and her brother, went to Trinidad at her grandmother’s place and went for her winter holidays and especially to spend time during Christmas. On the 17th of December 2022, when she went near a corner shop for the last time, someone spotted her. After that, there have not been any particular details available about where she is as she vanished after that, and there have not been any particular details available about her. There is a continuing investigation that will reveal the exact location where she is and how and in what condition she might be. The investigation of the police officers started on the 18th of December 2022, and still, there has not been any detail available about her.

Delika White Lezama Search

Daily Mail

Delika White Lezama Family Members Search

Delika White Lezama went to Trinidad with her mother and her brother, but in that situation, she certainly was alone when she was last spotted near the shop. Her mother and brother are desperately in search with the investigation team as they are looking forward to finding the location in which they might be. Her mother and brother think that she might be lost somewhere and roaming around somewhere in Trinidad or West Indies, so there are certain investigations, if done properly, that will lead to the exact location in which she might be. The investigation is continuing in a very proper and successful manner. There are certain chances that she might have died or been killed by someone, so that is also a thing that needs to be seen.


Daily Mail

Other investigation details

The missing report was directly filed on the 17th of December 2022, and after that, there has not been any report seen. The investigation of the overall thing gradually started on the 18th of December 2022, when the police officers started the overall thing. As there are no details available of the investigation, the police officers have tried their best to find out where she might exactly end in what condition she is in and as there are no details available about how she is there is a lot of Investigation on behalf of the police officer that needs to be done. The investigation might lead to a notice of her being abducted or kidnapped by someone.

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