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Winter Diet: 5 Everyday Foods That Prevents Cold and Flu This Season

A common cold could affect people any time of the year, but experts always advise people to take extra care during the winter season when the influenza virus is also present. symptoms could include a stuffy nose, sore throat, sneezing, coughing, and fever. But there are natural remedies that can help prevent catching it and boost the immune system.


honey and ginger remedy

Honey and ginger common cold remedy (PHOTO: iStock images)


Foods to Strengthen Immunity and Avoid Flu

According to Doctor NDTV, leafy vegetables are rich in antioxidants while vitamin C is a necessary micronutrient to avoid getting sick. This food and vitamins along with other everyday food items can prevent the common cold and strengthen immunity. Here are the top five foods that help prevent cold and flu:

  • Turmeric- This organic food offers potent natural anti-inflammatory compounds that boost immunity and enhance the immune system’s response against viruses and bacteria.
  • Orange and Other Citrus Fruits- These foods have a lot of vitamin C to help the body cope with the common cold. Doctors always recommend a healthy dose of vitamin C to boost immunity.
  • Garlic and Ginger- Garlic contains allicin that helps reduce cold symptoms and prevent catching it. Meanwhile, ginger can ease an upset stomach, which is a side effect of the common cold.
  • Salmon- Fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids can help deal with the common cold and cough. According to WebMD, omega-3 fatty acids help build and keep a healthy body.
  • Honey- NDTV Food reported that honey gives instant relief to severe cough and cold. It gives a soothing effect when paired with ginger.

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Duration of Cold Before it Goes Away

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said that most people can easily recover from the common cold with seven to 10 days. Most people do not necessarily need medical treatment when they catch a common cold because the body gets rid of the infection on its own, although there are some ways to manage the symptoms.

Symptoms of cold may include body aches, headaches, sneezing, coughing, sore throat, and runny nose. CDC recommends people with weakened systems, asthma, and other respiratory conditions to seek medical help if symptoms persist and worsen.

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