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Upcoming Meteor Showers, Celestial Events in November: Here’s How and When to Watch Them

Two months before the year ends, several celestial events will grace the night sky to give stargazers a treat. There will be at least four meteor showers this November, namely Taurids and Leonids meteor showers. There will be a lot of opportunities to watch them despite the recent monsoon making it hard for astronomy enthusiasts to find a clear night sky.

Leonids meteor shower 2018

Leonids meteor shower in 2018 (Photo: International Meteor Organization)

Celestial Events This November

The months of November and December are the best months in a year to spend beneath the night sky because the universe will be treating people with several meteor showers that light up the sky. Here are some of the celestial events that are expected this month according to First Post:

  • Mercury will be very close to the Moon on November 3, which will make it appear like an eclipse from the point of view of residents in Canada and the northern part of the US.
  • On November 5, Uranus will be in opposition. The planet will rise when the Sun is about to set and will be at the closest to Earth.
  • The Moon will attain a perigee position on November 6 as it will be at its closest distance to Earth.
  • Venus will appear at just 1 degree close to the Moon on November 8.
  • From November 16 to 18, the famous Leonid Meteor Showers will happen and will peak on November 17.
  • On November 19, a partial lunar eclipse is expected, although not all parts of the planet will be able to see it.
  • On November 21, the Moon will attain an apogee position as it will be at the farthest distance from the Earth.
  • On November 29, Mercury will reach the Superior Conjunction position as it comes behind the Sun as seen from Earth.

How to Spot Celestial Events This November

The recent monsoons have made it for avid skywatchers and stargazers hard to find a clear night sky. But it should not stop them from enjoying the night sky this month.

The Weather Channel reported that astronomy enthusiasts can still see the upcoming celestial events using binoculars and a camera to capture the mesmerizing sights. But on a good day, the sky might clear and will allow them to see the meteor showers without any impediment.