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Amid international protest, Iranian journalists covering Mahsa Amini’s death were freed on bond.

Iran, Mahsa Amini, Journalists, Press Freedom, UNESCO, Human Rights, Global Outcry

In a recent development, two Iranian journalists, Niloofar Hamedi and Elaheh Mohammadi, who were imprisoned for their coverage of the tragic death of Mahsa Amini, have been granted temporary release on bail. The women, convicted in October, were allowed to leave their Tehran jail with a bail of 10 billion tomans each (nearly $200,000 each), as reported by Iran’s state-run news agency IRNA. While awaiting the verdict on their appeals, they are prohibited from leaving the country.

Amid international protest, Iranian journalists covering Mahsa Amini's death were freed on bond.

Amid international protest, Iranian journalists covering Mahsa Amini’s death were freed on bond.

The Tragic Catalyst

Hamedi and Mohammadi faced arrest in late September 2022 amidst nationwide protests sparked by the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini. Amini’s demise, while in the custody of Iran’s morality police, was linked to her arrest for allegedly improper headscarf use.

Arrests and Convictions

Hamedi, arrested after visiting Amini in the hospital to report on her medical condition, and Mohammadi, detained for covering Amini’s funeral, were both sentenced in October. According to Reporters Without Borders (RSF), their convictions included charges such as collaborating with a hostile government, conspiracy against national security, and propaganda activities against the Islamic Republic of Iran.

A Glimpse of Freedom

The recent release on bail prompted expressions of joy from the journalists’ families and supporters. Mohammadi’s sister, Elnaz, shared the moment on Instagram, capturing the journalists walking hand in hand, smiling, and making victory signs. Hamedi’s husband, Mohamad Hosein Ajoroloo, shared an emotional embrace photo after her release. Amini’s father, Amjad, also expressed relief via Instagram at the journalists’ provisional release.

Sentences and Restrictions

According to IRNA, Mohammadi’s sentence includes a combination of years in prison for various charges, along with a two-year ban on political party membership, social media activity, and working in the media. Similarly, Hamedi’s sentence comprises multiple years in prison and a two-year ban on specific activities.

Global Recognition and Outcry

While in prison, Hamedi and Mohammadi were awarded the prestigious 2023 UNESCO/Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize for their exceptional contributions to press freedom. They were also recognized by TIME magazine as among the top 100 influential people of 2023. UNESCO celebrated their release, expressing hope for the journalists to continue their vital work in informing the public.

Defending Press Freedom

Sherif Mansour, Program Coordinator for the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) in the Middle East and North Africa, condemned the convictions last year, calling them a “stark testament to the erosion of freedom of speech.” The global outcry underscores the desperate attempts of the Iranian government to criminalize journalism.

In the face of adversity, the release of Hamedi and Mohammadi on bail offers a glimmer of hope for press freedom advocates worldwide. As the journalists await the verdict on their appeals, the international community continues to monitor the situation closely, emphasizing the critical importance of safeguarding journalistic freedoms.