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San Francisco Teachers Consider Strike as Pay Negotiations Hit Stalemate

Teachers and their union in San Francisco are still fighting over a new contract that would offer them a rise.

District officials have moved closer to meeting teachers’ demands, but they believe it is still insufficient.

Members of the union, including teachers, met Wednesday evening to decide whether to authorise a strike. It would be the first step if they chose to quit if no agreement could be reached.

San Francisco Teacher’s Strike Relocation Highlights Struggles of Educators in the City

Genesis Licea, a middle school teacher, just relocated to a less expensive area in San Francisco. It was a decision she had to make in order to pay for other necessities.

“When you take on a job like this, you know you’re going to have to be everything for your children.” It is quite tough to do so if you are concerned about your own baggage and life,” Licea explained.

She admitted that she had tried for years to supplement her income by working for Doordash and Uber Eats.

The Everett Middle School science teacher has aided in the arrangement of school supply contributions for several of her underprivileged Mission pupils.

“Prizes and items such as school stickers that make school more enjoyable for our families.” Because we lack funds, the community has taken up this responsibility rather than the district. And it must come from us and the community,” Licea explained.

The most current offer from SFUSD offers a $10,000 rise for all teachers. A $30 minimum salary for non-certified instructors, as well as a 4% rise for all educators beginning in 2024.

“If UESF accepts these proposals, I believe it will be a significant step forward for SFUSD in attracting and also retaining qualified educators.” “Who are committed to our students’ success,” said SFUSD Superintendent Dr. Matt.

Wayne stated in a statement.

San Francisco Teachers at Odds with School District Over Proposed Pay Increases

“They did move a lot closer,” Cassondra Curiel added.

Curiel is the President of the United Educators of San Francisco.

“They put forward an increase we know our folks are not happy with as a result of the other conditions that it is tied to,” Curiel added.

According to district officials, the most recent proposal. If accepted, it would be a’major step’ in attracting and retaining skilled educators. The union is opposed.

“Our teachers have had enough. We’ve had enough of being disrespected. We are tired of not being heard, and also it shows in our classrooms. Our students are entitled to more. “This district is capable of doing more,” Curiel stated.

“There were a lot of highs and lows.” “I love this community and want to stay,” SFUSD teacher Traci Wrycza said.

“When we lose teachers because they are underpaid.” We end up with a lot of professors that aren’t as knowledgeable or a lot of unfilled positions. “We’ve seen that throughout the district this school year,” Licea said.

Teachers in San Francisco’s public schools have not gone on strike since 1979. Licea is hoping that this isn’t the year it happens again.

The next bargaining round with the district negotiators is scheduled for October 16.