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The Omicron Variant Poses a ‘Very High’ Risk for Global Infections, WHO Reveals!

The World Health Organization warned all the countries around the world about the global risk from the Omicron coronavirus variant, which poses a “very high” mutated variant of the new outbreaks of COVID-19.

WHO said the Omicron varint poses a very high risk (photo theniche)

The World Health Organization warned all the countries around the world about the global risk from the Omicron coronavirus variant

The Threat of the Omicron Virus

In his published statements on Monday to the variant’s emergence of the new strain last week, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said it “We should not need another wake-up call,” Tedros added, “We should all be wide awake to the threat of this new omicron virus.”

In measures reminiscent of the outbreaks as the virus swiftly circumnavigated around the globe, some governments had imposed travel restrictions and border closures to slow down the international spread.

Earlier on Monday, the WHO states the Omicron variant was probably spread internationally, with a very high global risk of infection surges that could have severe consequences in some areas. Hence, the impact on vulnerable populations would be a great risk, particularly in countries with low vaccination coverage.

However, as per the WHO, there are no deaths that have been detected with the Omicron variant. But the rising case of the Omicron overwhelms the demand on the health care system that could result to increase morbidity and mortality.

Countries Around the World Struggles

The Omicron has already been detected in multiple countries, including the U.S.’s northern neighbor, Canada, health authorities said the variant’s contagiousness, and the wide geographic dispersal of existing cases, suggest it is already in wide circulation.

Furthermore, Omicron mutation had been found in regions from Europe to the Middle East to East Asia, in countries that include Britain, Germany, France, Portugal, Denmark, Israel, Hong Kong, and Australia.

Health experts are stressed to figure out the variant because it stills remains unknown and how the vaccine would rework the effective existing vaccines against it. In Addition, Dr. Anthony Fauci said not to be surprised’ if Omicron is already in the US due to its rapid spread globally.