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Lack of Permanent Positions in Agencies Frustrate the Democratic Lawmakers Towards Biden

Months after President Biden took the seat in the White House a large number of vacant positions are laying on across government as the Huse are battling Republican barricades on Biden’s nominees for the countless position.

The White House has spent months battling Republican blockades on Biden’s nominees for various positions(photo Britannica)

Biden put an effect to slow down to select nominees for some key positions.

Status President’s Nominees for Key Position

The candidates for critical ambassadorships that have been held up by GOP (“Grand Old Party”) Senators are one of the frustrated nominees that are battling for Republican Blockades. As a result, the administration witnessed a slow-moving confirmation rate than its three predecessors and it led the White House officials and Senate Democrats to be disappointed.

Max Stier, President and CEO of the Partnership for Public Service, said that “The end result of all of this is, at a moment when we need so much from our government, we have a government that is not led with permanent officials in many instances, and that’s a big problem”.

Furthermore, the permanent leadership across government is significantly important to keep up the morale to allow for established plans.

The Vacancies Reform Act

The challenge that pounds under the Federal Vacancies Reform Act that serves as an acting capacity in vacant positions is struggling in which they have no nominees that could only serve in those roles until this past Tuesday.

Secretary Chris Meagher said last week in the White House Press “Each agency has gone position by position to ensure that wherever we don’t have Senate-confirmed leadership, we have appointed designated senior leaders who are prepared to perform the functions until we nominate and confirm senior officials,”

In addition, the Vacancies Reform Act is not applicable to the office of Management and budget. Shalanda Young is on maternity leave and she was the acting director since March, Due to her absences Jason Miller, deputy director for management, has taken over temporarily without  Biden naming a new nominee. The Vacancies Act deadline is not entirely understandable.