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Missing: Alyssa Itchue was found partially buried. What happened to the 28-year-old Detroit woman?

According to the Wayne County Medical Examiner, a woman’s identification has been established after a DTE discovered her hand protruding out of a shallow grave last week. Alyssa Itchue has been identified as the lady whose body was found along Outer Drive and Van Dyke in Hildale. Let’s look at what happened to the 28-year-old Detroit lady and the mysterious death case.

Alyssa Itchue was discovered partially buried:

Authorities have identified a person recovered partially buried in east Detroit last week. The Wayne County Medical Examiner’s Office recognised the remains as those of Alyssa Itchue on Monday, according to The Detroit News. Among other things, the cause of death was not divulged. Itchy, 28, was reported missing by the Detroit Police Department in November. According to the letter, Alyssa’s mother last spoke to her on September 20 and has not been able to contact her since. She is said to frequent the city’s east side. Itchy had left a rehabilitation facility, according to a GoFundMe page launched by a family friend last weekend to help with funeral expenses. According to officials, the body was discovered on Wednesday in a small grave near a house in the 8000 block of Hildale. Detroit police did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the investigation made Monday night.

How did her body end up being discovered?

A DTE employee discovered a woman’s hand coming out of the ground after being buried in a shallow grave on Detroit’s east side last week. Authorities identified the woman on Monday, but they still don’t know how she got there. Alyssa Itchue, 28, was located by a utility worker near Outer Drive nearly four months after her last sighting. Her bereaved family is desperate to uncover what happened to the woman and is in considerable distress. Sonia Smith, her mother, spoke with FOX 2’s Jessica Dupnack as she tried to make sense of what occurred.
She claimed to be numb after discovering that her daughter’s body was recovered last week behind an abandoned house. A utility worker noticed her fingers poking through the rubbish and overgrown foliage. “I can’t believe we’re here, burying my first child in this fashion,” Smith said. I was confident it was her. “I had a feeling it was her.”

Alyssa’s mother is heartbroken:

Fingerprints confirmed her concerns: her 28-year-old daughter, who had recently completed rehab, had been addicted to heroin for roughly three years. Smith hoped that her daughter would change her life soon. “She stated she was ready for sobriety and weary of life. Itchue was released from rehab and returned to the streets.
“I’ve been trying not to think about her conduct. “She was doing everything,” Smith added. April Gentilcore, a Smith friend who lost her daughter unexpectedly, knows Smith’s difficulties and has set up a fundraising website to help the family with burial expenses. “I had to take out my entire retirement to pay for my daughter’s burial expenses,” she explained. Smith has no idea how her daughter ended up in that shallow hole, but she plans a proper burial. However, she is aware that someone is aware of what occurred. “Even if it was an OD, someone interred her.”

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