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Who is Crash Bandicoot Girlfriend Tawna?

Who is Crash Bandicoot Girlfriend Tawna?

Do you still remember Tawna, the horny bandicoot who was Crash’s girlfriend and inspiration in the original game? She’s returning in Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time and better than ever as the protagonist of her own world.

Less than a month remains until Crash Bandicoot 4’s October 2 release date, and developer Toys For Bob is continuously raining bombs. The damsel in distress from the first game has been changed into a self-assured, strong explorer in her own right. Josh Nadelberg, the art director for Toys For Bob, shares a tonne of beautiful concept images along with a lengthy article on Tawna’s makeover on the PlayStation Blog.

Tawna is the go-to bandicoot hero in her universe. Armed with her hook shot, which allows her to traverse terrain swiftly, and strike adversaries and crates from distance, this new Tawna spins, wall hops, and ground pounds her way through stages.

She was an ordinary bandicoot in the first Crash Bandicoot game before being abducted from the wild and transformed into another mutant by Drs. Neo Cortex and Nitrus Brio. Cortex chooses to move on and choose Tawna as his replacement when his botched effort to brainwash Crash fails and he escapes and falls out of a window. Crash is driven to return to Cortex Castle, free Tawna, and prevent Cortex’s diabolical intentions to rule the world after waking up on N. Sanity Island. Tawna can only be seen throughout the game at the conclusion of her bonus levels.

From the official Crash Bandicoot manga | Crash Bandicoot | Know Your Meme

Source: Know your name

Once Crash has acquired enough jewels, he may make his way across The Great Hall and be reunited with her on the balcony that awaits. The two take off on a big bird and fly off. Crash is reunited with Tawna on the blimp after defeating Cortex. The pair boards an airship and soars towards the setting sun.

Crash Bandicoot (manga)

Tawna has been imprisoned at Cortex Castle, much like in the original source material. Although Crash subsequently refers to her as his “beloved,” he initially refers to her as his buddy. She appears with Dr. Cortex in issue one, but she isn’t freed until issue two, when Crash storms the cell holding her. They look to be having an emotional reunion until Crash becomes preoccupied with some apples (much to her annoyance). Tawna encourages Crash in his conflict with Cortex and breaks down in tears when she thinks he has been buried beneath the ruins of the demolished castle. When he and Cortex dress as ladies in a costume, she is relieved to find he is unhurt but grows uneasy.

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