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The Patient’s Episode 9: Recap And Ending Explained: The Plotline Breakdown

The Patient's Episode 9 Recap And Ending Explained

‘Auschwitz,’ the ninth episode of FX on Hulu’s thriller series ‘The Patient,’ explores Alan Strauss’ attempts to avoid being killed by Sam Fortner as the latter decides to replace him with another therapist. Alan buys himself a week to persuade Sam that he should not replace him, especially since he is making progress. Even though Sam has not changed, he agrees to give Alan a week, during which time Alan begins to plan to assassinate Sam. The riveting episode concludes with critical decisions made by Alan and Sam that may rewrite their futures.

What Happens in The Patient’s Episode 9?

What Happens in The Patient's Episode 9


‘Auschwitz’ opens with Alan dreaming of being in an Auschwitz concentration camp and meeting psychiatrist Viktor Frankl. He resumes his fictitious therapy sessions with his therapist Charlie Addison, who attempts to decipher the meaning of his patient’s dream. Alan advises Sam not to replace him since the lack of progress he perceives is a natural element of the interaction between a therapist and a patient. Alan requests that they continue their meetings until he meets with his new therapist, and Sam agrees.

Recap of The Patient’s Episode 9:

Recap of The Patient's Episode 9


Alan informs Sam that he will change once he discovers the “meaning” of his existence, which he believes will be found in his interactions with others. The therapist encourages him to spend time with Mary because he is already comfortable conversing with her. He also inquires of the serial murderer whether he will be able to listen to her to comprehend their dynamics. Alan agrees to listen to their talk if Sam invites Mary to breakfast. The therapist sees Mary’s visit as the ideal opportunity to attempt to murder Sam and cry for aid, believing that the serial killer’s ex-partner will call the cops to rescue him.

Does Alan Kill Sam?

Does Alan Kill Sam


When Sam finds a new therapist and informs Alan that he needs to kill him for his protection, the therapist recognizes that he must act quickly to preserve his own life. Alan obtains additional time to discover a way out of Sam’s custody by pretending to continue the counseling. Alan prepares to kill the serial killer with the ointment tube’s sharp end and calls for aid after convincing Sam of the importance of restoring his connection with Mary. When Mary arrives at her ex-place partner’s for brunch, he alters his plans. Alan becomes concerned about what would happen to Mary if he carried through his plan to kill Sam and cry for aid.

Ending Explained: Does Sam kill His Father?

Does Sam kill His Father


Sam has always tried to avoid discussing his father and the abuses he endured at the hands of the latter. Alan quickly realizes the core reason for Sam’s violent impulses is his repressed anger for his father. As a child, Sam could only bear the difficulties brought on by his father because he lacked the strength to respond. When his father beat him up, he had little choice but to suppress his rage at the guy who had made him. Although his father’s assaults stopped when he grew up, Sam’s repressed hatred and contempt for his father did not.

Why did Sam want to kill His father?

Why did Sam want to kill His father


Every time someone angered Sam marginally, his contempt for his father manifested itself as homicidal impulses. Those events also brought up memories of how his father had offended him. Sam’s helplessness as a child would overwhelm him, and to break free from this helplessness, he murdered multiple people. As Alan points out, Sam killed his victims because he couldn’t fulfill his urge to murder his father as a young child. Sam believes that killing his father will meet his homicidal cravings once and for all now that he wants to stop being a murderer.

However, killing Sam’s father may be easier said than done. Sam, who can’t even bring himself to talk about his father, may find it difficult to kill him even if he wants to. Sam’s memories of helplessness and frailty may be triggered by seeing his father, making him weak enough to kill anyone. Sam is definitely bored of murdering anyone after committing two murders in a row. However, if he can generate the resolve to not flee his repressed wrath and anger, the serial killer may be able to use it as fuel for his homicidal inclinations, driving him to murder his father.

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