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Italian teacher Giovanna Fabrica passed away in front of children

Giovanna Fabrica

According to several prestigious Italian media sites, Giovanna Fabrica, an instructor at Villa Bartolomea in Verona, Italy, suddenly passed away in front of her students. According to a fan, the educator of Sicilian descent, was teaching her second class of the day at the Comprehensive State Institute “Ederle” in Villa Bartolomea, in the province of Verona, when she passed out at approximately 2:00 pm on Monday, October 10. Local media said that Ms. Fabrica abruptly passed out in front of her anxious students as she stood up from her desk to welcome Tommaso De Stefani, her colleague.

While they waited for the emergency services, her coworker made a call for assistance and started doing CPR techniques. Despite using a defib, the instructor was declared dead at the spot 45 minutes after paramedics arrived on the scene and took over from De Stefani. An air ambulance Verona Emergenza helicopter was requested, and it landed on the football field not far from the school as paramedics worked to save the woman’s life.

Sadly, the schoolteacher’s abrupt and unexpected death meant that the emergency helicopter crew was not required. Sad to say, the 44-year-husband old’s also showed up at the school after hearing the news, but he did so after she had passed away, according to Giovanna had not been unwell before collapsing, according to the school. “In the spot you loved the most, your grin passed away too soon. We hold you close on your final voyage so that you won’t be terrified, the school wrote in a social media post.

“Your kids, coworkers, the entire Institute staff, the headmistress.” “An excellent guy who reacted with remarkable coolness to this huge and abrupt anguish that not even he would have imagined to feel,” the school’s head teacher stated. Additionally, Giovanna did not have any disorders, as you promised us. “We are all in shock and still find it hard to believe. Even with a shattered heart, however, a round of praise must go to the master De Stefani who conducted the necessary procedures with the utmost expertise and without ever losing control of the situation, as also remarked by the rescuers themselves.

Giovanna was a cheerful, calm, and kind woman, according to Maria Grazia Brandara, the mayor of Naro. She had a great enthusiasm for teaching and working with children. We’re shocked by how quickly she passed. Another girl of our country was forced to leave and never came back. May the ground treat her gently.

The announcement came one month after an adolescent school student passed away in class from a heart attack. In the Indian district of Nellore on September 7th, a 13-year-old female passed away after a heart attack while attending class. Sheikh Shaheeda, a seventh-grade student at Vinjamur Zilla Parishad school, fell and experienced a heart attack after rising to respond to a teacher’s inquiry.