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Joe Biden Shuts Down Vital Trade Route. What happened Actually?

Joe Biden

The federal government’s closing of two train bridges that transport freight between Texas and Mexico on Sunday drew protest from Union Pacific, posing a fresh challenge to President Joe Biden.

Joe Biden Shuts Down vital trade


Joe Biden Shuts Down Vital Trade Route:

The international railway crossing bridges at Eagle Pass and El Paso were briefly closed after officials detected an increase in migrant smuggling via train through Mexico. Border officials announced last Saturday that the bridges had been stopped “to redirect personnel to assist the U.S. Border Patrol with taking migrants into custody.” The operation is being carried out in collaboration with Mexican officials, according to US Customs and Border Protection (CBP). Newsweek emailed Union Pacific, CBP, and the White House on Tuesday for a response.

It is not the first time that federal officials have used bridge closures to address the issue of illegal immigration. In recent weeks, CBP briefly closed the Lukeville, Arizona, Port of Entry and a pedestrian gate in San Diego to redirect resources elsewhere.

Union Pacific Statement:

Union Pacific also stated that the border crossings at Eagle Pass and El Paso should be restored quickly. According to the firm, the closures affect “agricultural products; food and beverages; automotive; consumer goods; and industrial commodities.” While the business recognizes “this is a complex humanitarian crisis,” it added, “most migrants are not crossing the border on trains.” Union Pacific has a police team and technology hunting for individuals and contraband, according to the corporation. “Every day, Union Pacific is forced to embargo customers’ things on more than 50 trains, or nearly 4,500 rail cars, with an equivalent of goods being held in Mexico,” the business stated in a statement”. The longer this closure is in effect, the more difficult it will be for cross-border trade to resume.”

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