On Saturday, a 20-year-old female and three others mistakenly entered the wrong road while searching for a friend’s house in the countryside of rural New York City. She died of a gunshot wound. Kaylin Gillis was riding along in the car when Kevin Monahan, 65, opened fire with two bullets off his house entrance, according to Washington County Sheriff Jeffrey Murphy, who addressed the announcement at an interview on Monday. The deputy claimed that a single bullet damaged the car and injured Gillis.
According to the sheriff, Mr. Monahan remained silent and did not leave his house when the police approached. After a while or so, Monahan was taken into custody.
Who was Keylin Gillis?
In an interview, Gillis’ parents lauded her as a kind, lovely lady.
She was an affectionate and caring partner to her adoring lover, elder sibling, beloved child, and trustworthy companion.
Gillis had only started exploring life with generosity, humor, and affection. Kaylin liked animals and was a bright scholar. She had lots of talents as an artist.
To fulfill her ambition of becoming a maritime scientist, she was eager to pursue her higher studies at the University of Florida.

Image Source – News Week
Kevin Monahan accused of killing women who drove up the wrong roadway.
There are no highways in the area, and the location is extremely rural. It is easy to get sidetracked. When Mr. Monahan appeared and started shooting, they turned around immediately, realized they made a mistake, and backed up.
After Gillis’s demise, Monahan was accused of second-degree murder, according to the sheriff. His lawyer informed the sheriff that he went on trial for the murder accusation on Sunday. According to the chief prosecutor and defense lawyer, the bail trial will be on Tuesday or Wednesday.
Monahan and Gillis were both involved in the New York attack. Before the attack, nobody got out of the car, and Monahan did not speak with anybody inside before he started shooting, according to the sheriff.
It was clear that nobody inside the car posed an imminent danger. Mr. Monahan had no reason to consider himself under attack.
Once the bullets hit the ground, Gillis and others left the property, searching for a phone network to call the cops.
They lived in the neighboring city of Salem, within 5 miles of the house. Gillis was already gone when emergency personnel arrived, according to the sheriff.
It is a heartbreaking situation involving a few young individuals who were on the lookout for an acquaintance’s residence and landed up at this man’s place who chose to step out carrying a gun and unleash it upon them.