Sarah Herron shows grief at the death of her newborn son who died just after she gave the birth. Sarah gave birth after 24 weeks pregency. On 28th January she took to Instagram to share this heartbreaking news. She announced on Instagram, the death of her newborn boy through a heartbreaking post.
She started the post as:
“On January 28th, at 24 weeks old, our beautiful son Oliver Brown was born. He passed away in his dad’s arms shortly after.” In the photo, Herron holding her newborn baby while her fiance Dylan Brown kisses her forehead, and his hand hold the Herron’s.”
Other photos of this post shows the beautiful journey of her pregnancy including different activities done during this period by Sarah Herron. Like cuddling with her dog, sea turtles swimming, and beach trips, these photos are shared by Herron. The last picture of the post is very emotional, in the picture, Brown is kissing the Herron’s forehead while she cries in bed.
Further she wrote in the post “There are no words for the magnitude of loss and pain we’re experiencing. It’s beautiful and simultaneously tragic,”. She shared some body attributes of her newborn says “He had my nose and his dad’s mouth and long fingers.”
Further she also wrote about her struggle with the pregnancy “Oliver, our IVF miracle defied so many odds and fought through so many hard milestones to be here, but the higher powers still had other plans for the three of us.”
Apart from all of this, Herron remembers her pregnancy time and said that he met her son for a short time, but she is grateful for the time when she was pregnant. She wrote about her experience in this post as
” He has taught us so much about the integrity of life, love and death. Oliver filled our home and hearts with so much love and most importantly, optimism. The stars aligned to create Baby Oliver with a deep, meaningful purpose bigger than we’ll ever understand. His body was small, but his legacy will always be larger than life to us.”
Celebrities share their sympathies with couple
Emily Maynard Johnson
Oh sweet Sarah. I’m so sorry. I truly have no words. Oliver will remain a shining light in this world for you and Dylan. I wish there was more I could do or say. I will keep you both in my prayers and pray specifically for Gods grace that surpasses all understanding. I’m so beyond sorry any my heart is absolutely broken for you. Every time I logged on to Instagram I was so exited to see an update from you. I know it’s hard to believe now, but god is going to redeem your story in such a big way. I promise.
Clare Crawley
Oliver you are so loved Sarah you are the most amazing mother and your strength through everything to fight so hard for your son has been nothing less than beautiful to witness
Ashley Spivey
I would do anything to take away this pain for you. Oliver will always be with you and I know you and Dylan will keep his memory alive no matter what. He will visit you in small ways and you will live for those moments. I’m telling my Dad and CJ to show him the ropes and give him lots of hugs. Love you so much
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