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Stephen Riddick’s death after he went missing in Glasgow

Stephen Riddick of Glasgow was discovered dead after going missing for a week.

Who Was Stephen Riddick?

Stephen Riddick, a man who lived with his wife in Glasgow’s Dumfries district, was discovered dead a week after his family reported him missing.

The police had taken all the necessary actions to find the person in the locality and the nearby places he often visited. Still, they had no clue about his mysterious absence.

Stephen Riddick Cause of Death:

No comment can be made on the reason for Stephen’s death.

According to the police investigation, it was determined and identified as a suicide, and the family members were informed of their findings.

But the case has not been closed, as the police are conducting an in-depth investigation of this case because they have not found any clues or evidence proving that it was a suicide.

Findings of Police Investigation:

The police even released information and details of Stephen’s appearance and age online so that if one finds anything, they can directly report it to the police about his whereabouts.

Unfortunately, after a few days of posting the pertinent information, the police received a tip about a dead body being discovered, which they suspected to be Stephen’s.

The police have not yet determined the true identity of the deceased, but they are confident that it was Stephen’s corpse.

However, there is no official information regarding the true identity of the corpse discovered.

Although, as of now, they have informed the family about their findings of a dead body.

The body was discovered on the 20th of January, 2023, near a house on the city’s west Nile Street.

It was in Dumfries that Stephen was reported missing. The family has been asked to identify the corpse.

Meanwhile, the police have also released some of Stephen’s more detailed pictures and information for people so that if the corpse is not that of Stephen, he must be found and returned to his loved ones.

The Obituary and Words Of Affection:

However, Stephen’s widow, Kathryn Fawkes, has also acknowledged his death by posting photos of him and writing in the caption that she believes Stephen committed suicide and was thanking her loved ones for their support during this difficult time.

In addition, she shared some affectionate words for Stephen, as they had been together for about 17 years, and she hoped for more.

The untimely death of this person has left his family and friends shocked and grief-stricken.

However, the family has begun publishing obituaries in newspapers and photos of Stephen on social media to express their love and affection for him.

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