Judy Church is a retired school teacher in Massachusetts, and recently she has been charged with the murder of her young boyfriend. The investigating officers stated that she had directly mixed anti-freezers in the coffee shakes of her boyfriend and tried to murder her boyfriend. She was a 64-year-old woman and had also stated many important details about her personal life. Still, as the murder came forward, she was taken in front of the court on the 23rd of December 2022, one day after she was arrested by the police officers and the details related to the poisoning game in front of the court. As she was the one who called the emergency services after the death, the police officers respected her a lot.

Judy Church’s accusation of murder
Judy Church’s Boyfriend, fowler, died on the 13th of November, 2022. He went to four hospitals before his death, and all doctors stated that his kidney fell each day due to anti-freezer poisoning inside his kid. He couldn’t get any cure for this particular disease, and he will die soon. The guy’s family members certainly stated to the police officers related the hospital details, and the family members also stated that it is not possible for any individual to have poison in the kidney other than someone has provided it through something. The charges went against his girlfriend, and the police officers directly arrested his girlfriend on the 22nd of December, 2022. The trial happened on the 23rd of December.

Details related to the murder by Judy Church
Judy Church was charged with the murder of her boyfriend, who died on the 13th of November 2022 due to work kidney failure, which was caused due to poison present in his kidney. Still, the police officers in the investigating offices stated that the charges which were provided against Church were related to giving poison to her boyfriend by mixing it with coffee shakes. The doctors who directly treated her boyfriend stated that the kidney consisted of poison for a very long time, and the deterioration of the kidney happened regularly when he couldn’t survive for a very long time. Certainly, that happened, for which the investigation started.

Trial of Judy Church
Judy Church went for her trial on the 23rd of December 2022 after she was directly arrested on the 22nd of December 2022 by the local investigating officers. During the trial, she directly stated whatever happened on the day her boyfriend died as she was the one who informed the emergency services on the day her boyfriend got dead, and as he had a bloody nose, she pulled him apart from the bedroom. The family members of the boy who died directly accused her due to certain reasons, and as the court did not have any evident accusations against her, there were no details about the motive, and that was the reason for which she did not have any particular punishment related to the matter.

Other details of the murder
Fowler, Judy Church’s boyfriend, died on the 13th of November 2022 due to kidney failure, which was caused due to drinking anti-freezers poison any sort of regular drink. The local investigating officers and the police officers also suspected that, other than the fact that his girlfriend provided him with the poison, it is also possible that he mistakenly consumed the poison through certain drinks. As the trial orchid on the 23rd of December 2022, her motive is directly unclear, so there are no particular details available about how he was killed; and there was it a murder done by his girlfriend or was it just an accident through which he drank the poison.
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