President Joe Biden had a colonoscopy routine last week at Walter Reed medical center and found out that he had a single 3-millimeter polyp lesion removed resulting to be potentially pre-cancerous.

President Joe Biden had a colonoscopy routine last week at Walter Reed medical center and found out that he had a single 3-millimeter polyp lesion removed resulting to be potentially pre-cancerous.
3 Millimeter Polyp Removed
The Presidential Physician Dr. Kevin O’Connor said that the 79-year-old President Joe Biden was “healthy” and vigorous,” determined to be fit for his duty even though he was suffering from a stiff gait is not a hindrance but still leads to be in a high interest in his health and well-being.
Furthermore, in the latest result last week from Biden’s routine colonoscopy check-up it appears to be the President had a benign potentially pre-cancerous 3 mm colon polyp removed from his ascending colon and the specimen was sent directly to the histologic examination.
The White House released a memorandum on Wednesday stating from the excised specimen “This is similar to the polyp which he had removed in 2008,” the memorandum, was signed by the physician Dr. Kevin O’Connor reads. “A tubular adenoma is a benign, slow-growing, but thought to be pre-cancerous lesion for which no further action is required at this time.” In addition from the memorandum that Biden should receive a “repeat colonoscopy in 7 to 10 years.”
Moreover, President Joe Biden is not required to publicly disclose the results of his annual checkups but even so, he wants to be transparent and ensure the American people in the face of questions about his health as President of the county.
Biden Transferred the Power to Harris as an Acting U.S. President as He Underwent Colonoscopy
On Friday, due to the procedure that Biden had, that requires anesthesia, meant that Biden’s temporarily transferred power to Vice President Kamala Harris, who became the first woman to hold the U.S. presidential power reins in U.S. history for 85 minutes that morning.