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A former Air Force officer admits guilt to shocking videos of animal abuse that feature monkeys.

Former Air Force Officer, Guilty Plea, Animal Abuse Videos, Monkey Torture, Online Abuse Group

In a cruel case that’s left everyone reeling, a former Air Force officer from Oregon named David Noble pled guilty to making and selling sickening videos of animal abuse. This 48-year-old ran an online group where folks paid to watch monkeys being tortured and killed.

A former Air Force officer admits guilt to shocking videos of animal abuse that feature monkeys.

A former Air Force officer admits guilt to shocking videos of animal abuse that feature monkeys.

Noble wasn’t always like this. Back in 2006, he got kicked out of the Air Force for cheating and messing around with someone he shouldn’t have. But even that wasn’t his wake-up call. From 2022 to 2023, he teamed up with others to film these awful videos, all for money.

Think about it: cops raiding his house and finding 50 of these videos, along with guns and ammo! It’s enough to make anyone sick. And to make it even worse, Noble was supposed to be someone we could trust, someone who swore to protect people.

In May, the law finally caught up with him. A grand jury charged him with planning, filming, and sharing these vile videos, plus having guns he wasn’t supposed to. Facing all that evidence, Noble admitted everything.

He could spend five years in jail, have to pay a quarter-million bucks, and be on thin ice for three years after that. It’s not enough to bring back those poor monkeys, but it’s something.

This whole thing shows how bad things can get online, especially in hidden groups where people share this kind of twisted stuff. It makes you wonder what else is out there lurking in the shadows. We need tougher laws and harsher punishments for anyone who hurts animals like this, no matter who they are or what they used to do.

So, let’s remember the monkeys who suffered and hope this case sends a clear message: messing with animals like this won’t be tolerated. It’s time to make sure everyone knows cruelty like this has no place in our world.

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