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US Displays Concern in Addressing China: Taiwan Provision in Defense Budget

The United States and China are once again at loggerheads over a U.S. Naval vessel sailing near the Paracel Islands in the South China Sea.
China claims the USS Gabrielle Giffords was trespassing in its waters, but the United States insists it was just navigating international waters like any other ship.

The Chinese military was thrown into turmoil, accusing the US warship of “seriously violating China’s sovereignty and security interests” and “severely damaging regional peace and stability.” He also used exaggerated words such as “trespassing” and “blatant provocation.

” But the US Navy didn’t have it.They responded with applause that the USS Gabrielle Giffords was simply “conducting routine operations in accordance with international law.” They also pointed out that in the years they have been sailing in this area, no one has made any complaints so far.

China’s Claims vs. US Counterclaims

SSo what’s the big deal?Well, the South China Sea is a pretty difficult place.Many countries claim parts of it, including China, Vietnam, the Philippines, and even Taiwan.China claims almost everything, tormenting other countries.

The United States opposes these claims but believes in free navigation.That means that even if China becomes enraged, it can take the ship wherever international law allows.

Is this a one-time event or a growing trend?

This whole situation is like two children fighting over a toy in a sandbox.China is a child who wants to control everything and always shouts “Mine”.America is the kid who sometimes wants to play with that toy and keeps saying, “Hey, that’s not yours, everyone can play with it!

” This is not the first time the two countries have quarreled over the South China Sea.It probably won’t be the last either. But right now, there’s just a lot of shouting and blaming, no punches being thrown (yet).

Let’s hope it stays this way.No one wants to see these two superpowers of hers throw a tantrum and accidentally knock over the entire sandbox.