This week, a 65-year-old mother was detained after it was claimed that she fatally stabbed her daughter and dumped her body on the street.

Memphis Mother Charged with First-Degree Murder of Disabled Daughter
The affidavit states that on June 26, Memphis Police Department officers visited 2527 Keen Road.
In the driveway, they found a woman who was “covered in blood and suffering from multiple stab wounds.” According to reports, a blood trail stretched from the carport to the street.
At 12:22 in the morning, paramedics from the Memphis Fire Department confirmed Conju Garrett dead.
According to reports, Carolyn Garrett, Conju’s mother, told Memphis Police that she “killed an alien who was trying to take her children.”
Reports on WREG-TV Conju Garrett was unable to walk because of a handicap.
Indicted for first-degree murder, Garrett was lodged in the Shelby County Jail and is now being detained on a $500,000 bail.
A Neighbour Discovers a Dead Person on Keen Road
Charlene King, a longtime resident of Keen Road, claimed that Garrett came to the street two or three years ago. She insisted that she knew the family and that they had a set of house keys in common.
On Wednesday around one in the morning, King opened her door. He was stunned to find out what she did.
What in the world is going on, I said as I stood up and headed over there. When King saw her neighbour lying dead on the road, she said.