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Miracle: Lost Daughter Alinka Angelina Found Alive After 4 Months, mother happiness Remains Endless.

Miracle: Lost Daughter Alinka Angelina Found Alive After 4 Months, mother happiness Remains Endless.

An Alinka Angelina, who was reported missing from her home on New Year’s Day, raising suspicions that she was trafficked, has been found, according to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.

How did the police get the location of Alinka Angelina?

According to Moses Castillo, a veteran Los Angeles Police Department officer and family advocate, Alinka Angelina was recovered when someone called 911 to report seeing her in Venice.

Officers from the Los Angeles Police Department arrived and called investigators leading the investigation. Alinka’s identification was established, and her mother was contacted.

“There is no time for any statements .” Simply said, when a mother discovers her lost kid — hugging and loving her,” mother Maricela Avila Flowers said.

Angelina‘s last location 

She was last spotted entering an unknown car in the 23000 blocks of S. Caroldale Avenue; Castaneda did not contact her family for about three weeks, stating she could not leave her location.

She then stated that her family would wait for her at Union Station at 10 p.m. Nevertheless, she was not present when her family arrived. A reward was also offered for any clue leading to the teen’s capture, but it remained unclear.

Words by Maricela Avila Flowers

Flowers had previously stated that her daughter had left the house without a credit card, ID, or a change of clothes. Her mobile had been disconnected since her abduction, but on 19 Jan. 

Flowers said she also got a call from her daughter, leading her to suspect the youngster was a victim of human trafficking. But officials stated on Monday that Alinka assured them she had not been abducted or trafficked.

Detectives, however, stated that there were gaps in her statement and would continue to investigate.

 Also, “She has contacted her relatives at least three times.” She sounded under stress each time. ‘They’re not letting me leave,’ she added. “I don’t know which place is this,’ and she ended the call-up,” Castillo said earlier this month.

By overviewing the whole scenario of the case, it seems to be very puzzling, but the best part is that the “mother found her lost daughter. “For her, nothing is more joyful than this.”

Till then, the investigation will go on until the police find the real truth behind the whole case.

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