“Family Karma” on Bravo explores the lives of American Indians living in Miami, Florida. The reality series, which explores the Indian community in the United States, focuses primarily on families who have migrated from India and have lived in the Miami, Florida area for generations. The drama and romance series is mostly known for showing viewers the real and uncensored lives of families. Since its premiere in 2020, it has received a huge response due to its captivating and dramatic whimsical content.
Most of the story stems from the romantic interests of the cast members and, as a result, community-related dramas. One such couple that got a lot of interest from fans was Monica Vaswani and Rish Karam. Their relationship was the talk of the town, and their ups and downs intrigued fans. So it’s now obvious that fans are dying to know if Monica and Rish are still together. If you’re curious, here’s what we found!
Monica and Rish’s Family Karma Journey
Monica Vaswani, a recurring cast member, is a 30-year-old former Miss India Virgin Islands who worked at Ultimate Software as a human resources professional until January 2022. She is currently an aspiring Bollywood choreographer and developer of digital content. She loves to dance and is regarded in her community as the “ideal Indian girl.” Rish Karam, on the other hand, is a successful businessman and entrepreneur who serves as the managing partner of SR Concepts at the moment. He has also been involved in his family’s jewelry company Pandora since 2011 and has co-founded (with Christopher Corda) Moksha Indian Brasserie in Miami since 2019.
Monica’s romance has interested fellow cast members and fans of her since she first had a “situation” with her childhood sweetheart, Brian Benni. Though she did develop feelings for him at first, they slowly faded away when she didn’t get the same vibe from him. Later, when Brian expressed interest in dating her, Monica took notice of her and said they were “best friends instead of boyfriends” and started to find him someone. After that, she reportedly started dating Rish Karma in 2020.
Due to the close bond between Miami’s Indian community, Monica and Rish were also childhood friends. Monica said to Showbiz CheatSheet, “We’ve known each other since we were nine or ten years old. Our families have known each other since my dad was a kid in Hong Kong.” Monica mentioned that the two have always loved each other, adding, “I’m a year and a half older than him. So I was always like, ‘He’s too young for me.'” She and Rish eventually agreed. his feelings and started dating, and things have been going well ever since.
Are Monica and Rish still together?
Yes, Monica Vaswani and Rish Karma remain faithful to one another. The two frequently co-star on the programme and always look out for one another. When Rish kissed Monica’s hand in front of the others, Monica’s father once gave the impression that they were hitchhiking her by encouraging her to “Put a ring on it.” They hadn’t gone this far to talk about their future, so he shrewdly sidestepped the query. That doesn’t imply, though, that the pair hasn’t faced difficulties.
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