Jim Lane, the lead longtime attorney for former Fort Worth police officer Aaron Dean died at the age of 78 due to natural reasons. He died early Sunday at the hospital, the day before the jury selection was about to begin in the Atatiana Jefferon’s killing-murder trial. He was hospitalized many days ago after being injured in a fall. Jim for the whole of his life has fought for the defending police officers and soldiers accused of malfeasance. He was a fighter who never gave up.

Image Source: CBS news
Fort Worth Police Officer’s Association President Manny Ramirez on Twitter confirmed his death news as the lawyer’s impact “will be felt for generations in Fort Worth and Tarrant County.”After Lane’s death broke out on Sunday several officials shared their condolences on social media. Tributes after his death began coming on social media. He will surely be missed as a person.
Who Was Jim Lane? A Brief About The Late Attorney of Dean
Lane was a popular Defense Attorney, always well dressed up with Cowboy hats, boots and suits as his trademark. Lane as a Stockyard visionary refuses critical acclaim for preventing the animals on a public street as a risk to safety and it would not become an auspicious tourist attraction. Lane spent most of his childhood days visiting his Grandparents in North Fort Worth. Lane received his bachelor’s degree from Baylor and then from Southern Methodist University to study Aviation law. According to an Obituary in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, he graduated from Texas Christian University. He after being single for a long time got married to Janet. In 2006 they adopted a son name, Jake.

Image Source- Fort Worth Star-Telegram
In the 1970s as a 24-year-old lawyer, he made headlines accused of taking part in the My Lai massacre. Lane for his whole life committed to defending police officers and firefighters and presumed the defiance that public servants face. Most recently he was defending Fort Worth Police Officer Aaron Dean who was charged with the murder of Atatiana Jefferson in the shooting in 2019. Lane and his controversies go hand in hand whether it’s about fixing the city’s trash system or when a 2004 ethics complaint was charged against him. Lane throughout his life was a strong supporter of Fort Worth culture and served on the council for twelve years.
Tributes Paid to Jim Lane
MayorMattie Parker shared his condolences as “a trailblazer in countless ways, always carrying a fierce love for Fort Worth.” He further said “We all owe Jim a debt of gratitude for his decades of service to our city,”
Glen Whitely tribute to lane- “left Fort Worth and Tarrant County better than he found it. He will be missed, but his legacy lives on,”
Texas House Rep. Charlie Geren also took to Twitter to pay tribute, he said-“RIP Jim Lane Ft Worth will miss you”.
Cause of the Death
Jim Lane a few days before his death was hospitalized due to a fall. The reason for his death is not known but speculations have been made that he died because of natural reasons.