There were waves of grief during a Sunday night vigil for 12-year-old Zyion Charles’ family and friends. According to police, Charles was shot and died on the 17th Street bridge on Saturday. Charles had become embroiled in a disagreement among a group of pals. Zyion’s family told Channel 2’s Justin Carter that Charles was an innocent bystander. Sandra Durden, Zyion’s grandma, told Channel 2 Action News that enough. She’s had enough of vigils and balloon releases.
Who is Zyion Charles?
She stated that Zyion was in the seventh grade and did not own a gun but was in the wrong location. A sea of white balloons to memorialise Zyion, a KIPP Soul Academy student. Zyion was fond of music, his family, according to his family. “It was a gap. And it’s now a half. “I don’t have him anymore,” Zyrhia admitted. A large number of minors got into a fight shortly after being hauled out of Atlantic Station for curfew breaches and rowdy behaviour, according to police.
Police Rushed to the Crime Scene:
Atlanta police were quick to respond because 26 off-duty policemen were working an extra job as security detail, according to officials. Ten security guards had also been working as part of the safety efforts. On Saturday night, one person was killed, and numerous others were injured in a shooting at the 17th Street bridge near Atlantic Station. According to Schierbaum, the groups knew each other and disagreed earlier this month, which culminated when they ran into each other that night. “Once again, we see guns in the hands of furious people, which results in a horrible end,” Schierbaum said, adding that some of those involved are known to Atlanta police investigators.
Police Investigate the Case:
“Everyone involved yesterday was a teen, and three handguns were recovered from this area.” “Handguns in the wrong hands lead to catastrophe,” warned Darin Schierbaum, Chief of Police. “It’s impossible to conceive a 12-year-old losing his life,” Durden remarked. Durden stated that she had just made a Christmas commitment to her grandson. “I told you I’d get you an iPhone 13 if you went to school every day until Christmas break.” “He was overjoyed,” she added. But that wish will never come true. She will mourn her grandson for the rest of her life. There have been no arrests thus far.
Saturday’s fatal shooting, which occurred only two days after Thanksgiving and during the height of the holiday season, is the latest at or around Atlantic Station this year. The property also contains a residential portion and is home to a Cirque Du Soleil production and an ice skating rink. In October, two ladies have shot in similar instances ten days apart after being caught in the crossfire between fighting parties. In January, another woman was shot after becoming entangled in a confrontation between two groups.
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