Millions of handicapped Americans across the country will get automatic payments for $841 and $1,261 for couples if they qualify.

Stimulus Checks to be sent automatically to impaired or disabled Americans. (Photo: Pexels)
Social Security Disability Insurance
In a recently published article in The U.S. Sun, the new payment schedule takes effect on December 30th for SSI and January 1st for Social Security. Social Security Disability Insurance will have a 5.9% COLA boost as well (SSDI). Average monthly disability benefits are set to rise from $1,282 to $1358, an increase of $76.
The goal of the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program is to help persons with impairments who are no longer able to work at the same level as previously. The purpose of the benefit is to replace a part of the wages of those who qualify for it. SSI individuals will earn $841 a month, while married couples would receive $1,261 a month.
The Social Security Administration sent out a letter to those who were affected, outlining the changes to their monthly benefits. The Social Security Administration advises that if you did not get a warning, you may still view the information by logging into your account online.
Read Also: Stimulus Check To Be Sent As A Direct Payment To Millions Of Americans
Important Information About Last Round of Stimulus Checks
On January 11th, eligible families will get the last wave of stimulus checks totaling $600. Around 180,000 payments totaling $127 million were mailed out in late December as part of the California pandemic stimulus program and should arrive throughout January.
The last three digits of the ZIP code on your 2020 tax return have been used to send payments. For reasons of accuracy and completeness, certain payments may need additional processing time.
Allow up to 60 days for the processing of your tax return if it is filed on or after the date of your scheduled ZIP code payment. Zipcodes 928-999 are now being sent and will be until January 11th, 2022.
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