Cranberry is a good example of fruit that offers pro-longevity properties due to its high flavonoid content, a strong antioxidant that lowers inflammation that helps ward off diseases. A recent study reveals that adding cranberry juice to the diet boosts the immune system and promotes longevity.

Adding cranberry juice to the diet also prevents hypertension. (PHOTO: Getty Images)
Cranberry Juice: A Cholesterol-Lowering Drink
Several fruits and vegetables are well-known for their anti-aging properties due to the phytochemicals present in the majority of them. But recent studies claim that cranberry is particularly effective in lowering high cholesterol and lengthening life expectancy, reported.
Cranberry contains flavonoids that increase gamma delta T-cells that play a role in immune response as well as in cytokines. Boosting the immune system also promotes longevity.
For instance, an experiment showed that giving the flies at three different stages of their life cranberry juice extended the remaining life expectancy of each flies compared to those non-supplemented flies in the control group. This suggests that cranberry juice has significantly promoted longevity most likely through reducing oxidative damage.
Cranberry Juice Also Lowers Risk of Hypertension
An earlier report shared by reveals that cranberry juice can also lower the risk of developing high blood pressure. Its anti-inflammatory properties also play a significant role in keeping blood pressure at healthy levels to ward off hypertension.
Some experts even call it a superfruit, which may also make cranberry juice a super drink. They said that it is crucial that patients choose to drink more of the unsweetened version of cranberry juice to prevent and reduce inner blood vessel damage and ultimately lower blood pressure.
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