Friday morning, Nancy Pelosi celebrate and announce after the house passes the massive social spending reconciliation package with 22o-213 final votes to send the 2.2 trillion Build Back Better Act to the senate, and it is now facing a big impact revision.

The House Passed Biden’s Social Spending Bill (Photo: USA Today)
The Build Back Better Act is Now in the Senate
The BBB was part of the President’s first Year agenda and it is now at the Senate’s table. House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy delivered a record-breaking eight hours speech last Thursday night.
Mitch McConnell said and published it by Fox News on Thursday “I think we all believe that another bill probably is going to be necessary,” McConnell also adds up “But I’m not prepared today to put a precise date on when that will be.”
Moreover, the bill was approved by the House and they aimed for expanding Pre-K Program for the children ages 3 to 4 years old will be provided a free Pre-K that would expand to 6 million children per year and last up to 6 years. Along with the extra Medicare, this bill would limit the child care cost for families under 6 years of age, silver state residents, and renew child tax credits for working families.
Furthermore, Nancy Pelosi announced the passage of the package as she stated that it was for the better “If you’re a mom, a dad, a family caregiver or the rest – this bill is for you,” Pelosi said at a news conference.
Democrats Stand in Ovation
The Democrats are all in applause for passing the bill. During the passing of the bill, Biden said that creating jobs, lowering prices, making the nation more competitive, and giving working people and the middle class a fighting chance was another major step forward in carrying out his economic agenda. This law will also generate well-paying employment while simultaneously having a historical impact on the climate catastrophe.