On Tuesday, Illinois public health officials reported 2,245 new confirmed and probable cases of COVID-19, as well as 22 related deaths, according to ABC Chicago. Since the beginning of the pandemic, there have been 1,722,590 total COVID cases in the state, with 26,008 deaths.

On Tuesday, Illinois public health officials reported 2,245 new confirmed and probable cases of COVID-19, as well as 22 related deaths, according to ABC Chicago. Since the beginning of the pandemic, there have been 1,722,590 total COVID cases in the state, with 26,008 deaths. (Photo: WTTW)
Illinois COVID-19 Cases
The statewide seven-day test positivity rate is 2.7 percent from November 2 to November 8. Illinois Laboratories have reported testing 68.679 new specimens in the last 24 hours, for a total of 36,526,288 since the pandemic began. And as of Monday night, 1,393 COVID-19 patients were reported to be hospitalized, and there were 297 ICU patients and 160 COVID-19 patients on ventilators among those in Illinois.
A total of 16,046,642 vaccine doses had been administered in Illinois as of Tuesday, with 56.91 percent of the state’s population fully vaccinated. The daily average of vaccines administered over seven days is 53,271.
The average daily case rate per 100,000 residents in the United States is 21.4 percent, up from 17.8 percent the previous week and nearly double Chicago’s daily case rate of 11.5 percent. The daily case rate in Illinois is currently at 16.5 percent, the highest in more than four weeks, as per ABC Chicago.

On Tuesday, Illinois public health officials reported 2,245 new confirmed and probable cases of COVID-19, as well as 22 related deaths, according to ABC Chicago. Since the beginning of the pandemic, there have been 1,722,590 total COVID cases in the state, with 26,008 deaths. (Photo:WTTW)
Travel Advisory
On Tuesday, the Chicago Department of Public Health removed one state from its COVID-19 Travel Advisory, which is Arkansas. According to officials, unvaccinated travelers should be tested one to three days before departure and again three to five days after returning. Even if they test negative, unvaccinated travelers are required to self-quarantine for seven days after returning from their trip.
Those who do not get tested should self-quarantine for 10 days after returning home and avoid people at high risk for COVID-19 for 14 days. Unvaccinated travelers should be tested for COVID-19 before and after traveling from any state on the advisory list and should be quarantined upon arrival in Chicago, according to the CDPH.
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