Voters who believe their vote will be accurately counted have decreased significantly over the last year, a trend driven primarily by Republicans. They continued to believe false claims that President Joe Biden did not legitimately win the 2020 presidential election, according to NBC News.

Voters who believe their vote will be accurately counted have decreased significantly over the last year, a trend driven primarily by Republicans. They continued to believe false claims that President Joe Biden did not legitimately win the 2020 presidential election. (Photo: New York Times)
About 50 Percent
About 50 percent of respondents who identified themselves as Republican believed that their vote would be miscounted the next time they cast it. Republicans’ confidence in the electoral system has dwindled. Only 41 percent of those surveyed in the most recent poll believe their vote will be counted fairly, a significant drop from 84 percent in 2020.
According to the Survey concerning the November 2022 midterm elections, 66 percent of the total number of registered voters expressed confidence that their vote would be correctly counted. This is a decrease from the previous figure of 85 percent in October 2020.
The figures presented are alarmingly high. They suggest that the legitimacy of a presidential election is questioned by a large majority of Americans in one political party, as per New York Times. Independents’ level of distrust has risen slightly as well, 84 percent confident and 13 percent not confident in October 2020 to 76 percent confident and 22 percent in 2021, respectively.
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Voters who believe their vote will be accurately counted have decreased significantly over the last year, a trend driven primarily by Republicans. They continued to believe false claims that President Joe Biden did not legitimately win the 2020 presidential election. (Photo: Chicago Tribune)
Democratic Voters Remained Steady
According to The Hill, there have been court rulings that have disproved Trump’s claim that his loss was due to fraud, including the Supreme Court. Trump has continued to cast doubt on the outcome of the 2020 election year after year, which cast doubts about the legitimacy of Joe Biden’s presidency in Republicans.
60 percent of those polled said they believed Biden had won the presidency legitimately, while 38 percent disagreed. An additional 4 percent of people said they were unsure about their decision, according to the survey.
According to NBC, out of the total adult population, 58 percent believe that President Joe Biden was legitimately elected, while 38 percent think that he was not. Democratic voters have remained steady over the last year, with 89 percent saying they are confident their votes will be counted fairly in the upcoming election.
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