President Biden stated centrists and progressives could agree on an extensive social spending and climate package and an infrastructure bill.
He places the $1 trillion infrastructure bill on hold on Friday and indicated Democrats should be unified on social spending. He is also facing an intraparty bout over his domestic agenda and advising Democrats that a vote on the popular measure should wait until Democrats pass his more grandiose climate change and social policy package.

House Democrats are stalling on passing the bipartisan infrastructure bill. (Photo: The New York Times)
Holding Off on Vote
The House stalled a vote on a bipartisan infrastructure bill on Friday as President Joe Biden persuaded the Congress’ Democrats to hammer out a consensus on a more extensive spending negotiation. As Biden’s legislative prime concerns hung in the balance, Biden went to the US Capitol on Friday afternoon to discuss with House Democrats and rally support for his economic initiative. He was greeted by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and her leading deputies. Biden discussed in a full Democratic caucus meeting and recognized both measures would have to be associated in order to pass.
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More Time
Following his meeting with House Democrats at the US Capitol, the president remarked it might take days or weeks for Democrats to come into unity on voting for the bipartisan infrastructure bill and for the independent package that covers the majority of his legislative objective. The package involves childcare, climate, social spending, and education.
According to Biden addressing reporters, “It doesn’t matter whether it’s in six minutes, six days or six weeks, we’re going to get it done,” reported NPR.
In a letter on Friday, Pelosi remarked more time is required to conclude an agreement on the legislative framework for Democrats’ social spending plan.
Passing a Temporary Funding Bill
Following weeks of attempting and failing to discover a legislative solution, both the centrist and progressive wings of the caucus can support, Pelosi and her team passed a bill funding expiring transportation programs for the time being. She then sent devastated members home until they conclude a proper response to the situation.